Every Thursday, the latest issue is sent to voice actors and audiobook narrators like you. Each message includes an idea to move you, a thought to touch you, and a quote to inspire you, as well as what I’m writing and talking about that week.

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move touch inspire 〰️

A Sample

An Idea To Move You

The artistic side of VO has lots of rules that, once mastered, are made to be broken (with the discretion of a master).

The business side, not as much. Those rules are generally pretty solid. Break them at your own peril.

A Thought To Touch You

It’s easy to scroll through Instagram and feel like everyone’s booking massive campaigns and winning all the awards while you’re voicing phone menus for Bob’s Plumbing.

Here’s the reality: You’re not seeing the full picture.

Most people don’t post about the dry months, the gigs they didn’t get, and the years they spent grinding before landing big-name clients. Stay in your lane and trust the process.

A Quote To Inspire You

“Rules are not necessarily sacred, principles are."

~ Franklin D. Roosevelt