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Beware of Predators

I ended last week with an unfortunate call. My first clue was the email signature of the person in which they listed 11 companies of which they are the CEO and Chairman, 10 of which included the word "International." Classic puffery.

On the call, this person wasted no time dropping the names of Tom Cruise and Doug Liman and how they're working on casting a project for them, and how they can cast a feature-length project in 2 hours (unlike those "other" casting agents). Then onto a rant about how they believe in a "lifetime NDA" (non-disclosure agreement) because of how little sense it makes to sign one for each project. This person did not ask me a single question for the entire 20 minutes. Nothing about my skills, experience, or goals.

I asked this person what their role is - talent agent, casting agent, or manager - and got the slipperiest, slimiest non-answer they could muster. The entire call was nothing but hype, bluster, and puffery. I ended the call by asking them to send over the document.

What they sent over was not just an NDA. It was a 5-page predatory talent contract complete with a ridiculously high commission and literally dozens of predatory clauses.

While I know there are predators out there, it depresses me when I actually see how these reprobates are preying on people who have a dream but no education on how the business works. When in the least little bit of doubt, have a reputable entertainment lawyer like Ashley Brooks and Kirk T. Schroder look over the contract. (I didn't even waste their time with this one it was so awful.)

Educate yourself. Protect yourself. Research. Dig. Verify. And use a pro like Ashley or Kirk. Even some companies you've heard of have predatory clauses in their contracts.