9 BEST YouTube Channels for Voice Actors - SUBSCRIBE TO THEM


Welcome to YouTube, where you can find information on just about any topic you could ever imagine, including voice over and voice acting.

But right now, in June 2024, there are over 65 million active YouTube channels. That’s a lot to sift through, right?

Welcome to the 21st century – the age of information, misinformation, and disinformation. Even with topics as niche as voice over there’s a ton of information out there about voice acting on YouTube, and like every other topic in the world, a ton of crap out there about voice over on YouTube.

So today I’m going to [WARNING: PRETENTIOUS WHITE PERSON WORD AHEAD] curate for you the Best 9 YouTube Channels for Voice Actors, especially if you’re newer in your voice acting career. I’m going to break them down by category, including Performance and Business, and give you one bonus channel at the end which is especially helpful for newer voice over actors.

Let’s start with


Skills Hub for Voice Actors - https://www.youtube.com/@skillshubForVoiceActors

Skills Hub for Voice Actors is created by Jennifer Hale, who if you don’t know is a true legend in this business. Her credits are unequalled, including Commander Shepard in the "Mass Effect" series, Samus Aran in "Metroid Prime", "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic,” and more. And when I say “and more” she hold the Guinness Book record for most prolific voice actor, and she set that record over a decade ago.

Ya think she knows her stuff?

Skills Hub for Voice Actors is like a toolkit for leveling up in the voice-over industry. It’s designed to help both newbies and seasoned pros sharpen their skills, network with industry insiders, and find gigs.

The YouTube Channel is a treasure trove of tips and strategies from Jennifer herself. If you’re not subscribed, do it yesterday. The link and links to all the channels today are in the description and show notes.

Why is it a must subscribe? Real simple: rock solid advice from a true living legend.

Atlanta Voiceover Studio - https://www.youtube.com/@AtlantaVoiceoverStudio

Atlanta Voiceover Studio is run by Heidi Rew and her husband Mike Stoudt and their channel is an extension of their studio. It’s another YouTube go-to for all things voice acting. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, this channel has got you covered.

Their tutorials are really good and cover a wide range of topics. They also have interviews with top-notch voice actors, casting directors, and producers on what it takes to make it. You can catch replays of their webinars if you missed them live, covering everything from business tips to advanced acting techniques. Plus, they offer equipment reviews and studio tours, so you can get your home setup just right without wasting money on the wrong gear.

What makes this channel a must-subscribe? High-quality, expertly crafted content that keeps you coming back. The channel is active, they post regularly, and you always have fresh, relevant material to keep you sharp.

Terry Daniel - https://www.youtube.com/@TerryDanielVoiceoverTutorials

The ol’ Salty Dog of VO… Terry is a decades-long experienced voice actor and coach, and like me has a kind of cut through the crap approach.

Terry offers a range of practical advice and insider tips that are not just insightful but easy to apply. His tutorials cover all the essential aspects of the voice-over industry. It’s like having a mentor right at your fingertips, ready to guide you through your journey.

My favorite part of Terry’s channel is his Voiceover Sermons Podcast. Terry’s a lot like me, he takes no prisoners and sugar coats nothing. He preaches like he coaches, straight from the hip, and that’s the way (uh-huh, uh-huh) I like it.

The community aspect of the YouTube channel is anotherhighlight. He actively engages with the audience, responding to comments and questions, and fosters a supportive environment where voice actors can connect and learn from each other.

Why subscribe? Well, if you like my style, you’ll like his and his wealth of experience is especially helpful for newer VOs.

Voiceover Gurus - https://www.youtube.com/@thevoiceovergurus

The Voiceover Gurus YouTube channel is run by voice actor and coach, Linda Bruno. Linda’s been killing it in the VO business since the days of cassette demos and ISDN lines. She now hosts solo but many of the episodes she hosted with the very funny and kind JJ Wilson.

The VO Gurus channel is like a fun and friendly hangout for anyone wanting to get into voice acting. Linda is super chill and that make learning easy and enjoyable.

Plus, the Voiceover Gurus have a great sense of humor, so their videos are not just helpful but also really fun to watch. They share stories from their own experiences and sometimes have special guests who share their tips too.

Why subscribe? If you like your VO education with a little side of funny, the VO Gurus channel is right up your…alley.

Anne Ganguzza - https://www.youtube.com/@AnneGanguzza

Anne is one of the most respected and sought after coaches in the business, especially when it comes to corporate, e-learning, and medical narration. Anne's YouTube channel is like having a super nice teacher who really knows about voice acting. She makes learning fun and easy with her friendly and easy-to-follow videos.

The best part is that Anne’s videos are always fun to watch because she’s just so damn cheerful and full of energy. She sometimes brings in special guests who share their own tips and stories.

Why subscribe? If you want to learn about voice acting from someone who’s super nice and really, really knows her stuff, Anne Ganguzza’s YouTube channel is the place to be.

Next Category: Business and Marketing

VO Pro – https://www.youtube.com/@vo-pro?sub_confirmation=1

I recommend, with obvious bias, the channel you’re watching right now, VO Pro. Here, we focus on the business of voice acting, including topics like voice over marketing, voice actor websites, LinkedIn, direct marketing, building relationships, mindset and personal development, and more.

I built this channel to answer the question, “how can we help as many voice actors as possible learn the business of the business, and how can we fight the purveyors of absolute crap, especially here on YouTube?” Again, there’s a lot of bullshit info out there from people who don’t give a damn about anything else than separating you from your money.

Do I have a business selling to other voice actors? Absolutely. Am I different from those people? You bet your ass I am. I run it ethically and with integrity because I have to be able to sleep at night. I’ve built that business with the goal of making the best, most helpful content in the business.

If see something that I think will help you and is correct and done with integrity, I’m gonna tell you whether it puts money in my pocket or not. Case in point, the next two channels I’m going to recommend…

Tom Dheere - https://www.youtube.com/@vostrategist

Tom Dheere is one of the smartest, kindest people in voiceover. He goes by the brand, The VO Strategist, and he’s really good at helping voice actors take a holistic, strategic approach to their businesses.

One of the coolest things about VO Strategist is how it focuses on helping you market yourself effectively. There are tons of insights on building a strong brand, finding and reaching out to clients, and making sure your demo reels stand out. It’s all about giving you the tools to create a successful and sustainable career in voice acting.

The advice is straightforward and easy to follow, making it perfect for voice actors at any stage of their career.

Marc Scott - https://www.youtube.com/@vopreneur

Marc has been teaching voice actors how to market their businesses longer than any of us. He’s a fantastic resource for voice actors looking to boost their marketing game and grow their business.

His VOpreneur YouTube Channel offers practical coaching, tools, and resources, tips on crafting effective emails, tricks for finding leads, and information on platforms like LinkedIn for business growth. The site also features the Everyday VOpreneur Podcast, sharing industry insights and tips from experts and a backlog of recordings of his Free Advice Friday series.

Now I will warn you, Marc is Canadian, so if you’re an American voice actor, you may have to bribe him with some good ol’ fashioned American BBQ to get him to warm up to you.

Why subscribe? He knows his stuff and what he teaches is solid. We disagree on some things, but that’s ok.

And finally, a bonus channel in a bonus category…

VO Chat

VO Booth Besties - https://www.youtube.com/@VOBoothBesties

VO Booth Besties is run by the powerhouse trio of Jen Greenfield, Aleesha Bake, and Jennifer Tophoney, and if you’re new to the biz and want a fun, lively, entertaining and super informative and educational YouTube channel, subscribe to this one now.

It’s generally geared toward newer and intermediate voice actors and one of the best resources in the business is their VO Demo Producer Series, which is a collection of interviews with the well and not-so-well known demo producers and casting directors which covers all aspects of the VO demo. If you’re working toward your first demo, or your fifth, I highly recommend this series.

One of the best things about VO Booth Besties, is that, like this channel, it’s available both on YouTube and via podcast, so you can listen eyes-free when you’re on the go. They also have a Facebook Group, which I highly recommend.

Why subscribe? Great people, great advice, great community. Kinda sounds like the VO community overall, doesn’t it?

If you’re a brand-new voice actor, starting with these channels will get you pointed in the right direction. As always, approach anything you consume, including this channel and my content with a healthy skepticism. Not everything you hear from everyone will resonate for everyone. But the channels I’ve recommended here have your best interest at heart, I promise you.

As always, thanks for watching, commenting, and subscribing, and seeya next week.

Paul SchmidtComment