Posts tagged happy holidays
My (No Gear) Voice Over Christmas Wish List

Christmas is right around the corner. And of course, this is the time of year when voice actors get the steamy undies for all kinds of gear. Mics, interfaces, preamps, amplifiers, headphones, you name it. We want all the gear.

But I think in this season of gratitude and giving, I want kind of a different kind of Christmas wish list this year for voice over.

Sure. I love great gear as much as the next voice actor, but what I want for voice over this year is not for me. It's for everybody. Everybody that calls themselves a voice actor.

So, Santa, if you're listening or watching, here's my list. I've checked it twice…

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My Wishes for You This Holiday Season

Entrepreneurship and freelancing have stretched me and forced me to grow in ways I never imagined and often scared the hell out of me, both for which I am eternally grateful. I’ve learned so much about myself that in the almost 50 years before becoming a full-time voice actor I never knew.

As we turn to the new year, I have some things I wish for you. Where appropriate, I’ve listed a book that helped teach me that lesson.

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