Posts tagged mental health
How Voice Over Saved My Mental Health

I was in a dark place.

I had been through a series of three jobs in three years. I had largely failed at all of them. I was a single dad. I was paying my bills, but just barely, living paycheck to paycheck. Near the end, I was working for people I didn't respect. I didn't enjoy the job.

I wasn't enjoying any success at the job, and I was pretty sure I was going to be fired within a year. I was approaching 50 and I was sick of at-work politics. Sick of working for other people. Sick at working at jobs I had absolutely no passion for. I was sick of all of it, but I had no real options, no hope.

Plan A was to go back and get another sh*tty job, and there really was no plan B.

Now, just to be clear, I was not suicidal. I was moderately depressed. I loved my son, but I hated my life. I dreaded going to work every day.

But there was one bright spot, and that was voiceover

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