Posts in personal development
A Journey of Becoming

We do the work. We build the habits required. We put in the time, training, sweat, failure, education, and long hours. We do the hard shit. We do what it takes.

And when we do that consistently and long enough, eventually, we see improvement. Progress. Successes. We start to achieve the goals we set for ourselves. We have those days you just can’t beat when we get those gigs that just make your whole day, or week, or month.

And a funny thing happens along the way…

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Comparison is Killing You

We all do it. Voice actors included. Newbs and veterans alike.

We look to the left, and to the right, and we see our colleagues doing well. We see their wins. Their successes. Their triumphs.

And then that little green goblin of envy and jealously starts to rear its warped and ugly head.

We get insecure. We feel less than.

We start to believe that because we don’t have their successes and wins and triumphs that somehow that makes us less successful.

We compare ourselves to others. And it’s killing us.

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What's Keeping You Stuck

We’re highly adept at blaming external circumstances and other people, and not so good at looking inward, analyzing our beliefs about ourselves and the world, and adopting… choosing… beliefs that free us and allow us to realize our potential.

True for humans. True for voice actors and freelancers.

But how do limiting beliefs show up in our psyches and businesses as voice actors? Here are some examples…

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Habits, The Iron Man, and the 80% Rule

The Pareto Principle says that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. Other names for this principle are the 80/20 rule and the law of the vital few. For me, prospecting is one of the vital few. In fact, I’d say in my case prospecting has more of a 90/10 effect. It’s 10% of my time that leads to 90% of my success.

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