THE 4 HOT Voice Over Genres in 2024 and the 3 that ARE NOT


The voice over industry is like a roller coaster on steroids right now, thanks to the generative AI boom, recent SAG-AFTRA and ACTRA strikes, and a bunch of other factors shaking things up.

You’re here because you want to know where to focus your energy and where to maybe pump the brakes a bit. So, let’s dive in and break it all down, no BS, just the facts.

The AI Effect - Friend or Foe?

First off, let’s address the big, artificially intelligent elephant in the room: AI voice technology. AI is here, and it's not going away. But here’s the kicker – it’s not all doom and gloom. Yes, AI can spit out a decent imitation of human voices, but there’s still a demand for that human actors, human performances in many areas. Let’s dissect this beast.

What’s Hot Right Now

1. Audiobooks - Still a Goldmine

Audiobooks are hotter than habeñero underwear. The demand for audiobooks has skyrocketed, and guess what? People still prefer human narrators. There's magic in a well-narrated story that AI just can’t replicate. If you’ve got a knack for storytelling, this is where you want to plant your flag.

Why Audiobooks Are Booming

First, the market is expanding like never before, with more people listening to audiobooks than ever before.

Second, listeners want a human voice that can convey emotion and nuance, something AI hasn’t quite mastered yet.

There is no question, AI will take a portion of this market. But it will take the cheap, low-end of the business where authors and rights holders either can’t afford or don’t care about quality.

Skilled, talented actors who can tell a great story, who have range and can develop and separate personas and characters will continue to work on well-written books.

2. E-Learning, Corporate Training and Educational Content

With more people turning to online learning, the demand for e-learning voice overs has shot through the roof. Whether it's corporate training modules, online courses, or educational YouTube channels, there’s a steady stream of work here.

Why E-Learning is Thriving

E-learning of course started before the pandemic, but COVID poured gasoline on online, remote learning. It literally changed the way we learn so many things now. And secondly, professional e-learning producers and providers know that engaging, clear, real human voices are essential to keep learners engaged and motivated.

The big exception here is compliance and legally mandated corporate training. When companies are just required to produce something to meet a legal requirement or check a compliance box, they’re not really interested in quality and a lot of this mandated work will go to AI if it hasn’t already.

3. Animation and Video Games: i.e. Character Work

Animation and video games are thriving like never before. Granted, the recent SAG-AFTRA and current ACTRA strikes have depressed the videogame market a bit, but that’s relatively temporary in the big picture it will bounce back.

Fans still want distinctive, memorable characters, and that’s something only a skilled human actor can deliver.

Animation and Games Are Hot…

Because players and viewers want immersive experiences that only real human performances can provide. And the global market for games and animated content is still expanding, and with that comes more opportunity.

4. Commercials - Human Sells

Yes, AI has made some inroads, just watch YouTube for longer than 10 minutes and you’ll probably come across an AI voice selling something like solar panels for you.

In the big picture, commercials still heavily rely on human voice actors. Brands want that personal touch, the relatable, trustworthy voice that can connect with the audience.

Why Commercials Are Still Strong

Big brands need to maintain trust and authenticity, which a human voice naturally provides.

Humans can adapt and infuse creativity that AI struggles with, especially in nuanced spots and campaigns. Try directing AI in a live session.

If you can understand backstory and subtext, if you can break a script down, understand stakes and motivation, and deliver authentic, natural, messy, unpredictable, human performances, there will continue to be more work than you can shake a script at.

What’s Not

1. Basic Telephony and IVR

Here’s the brutal truth: basic telephony and IVR (Interactive Voice Response or what most people call phone menu) systems are getting gobbled up by AI. These systems don't require much in terms of emotional nuance, making them prime real estate for AI voices.

Why Telephony is Slumping

AI is cheap and it’s good enough. But don’t feel bad, voice actors, there is a legion of secretaries and receptionists that paved the way so that you wouldn’t be the first to lose work to a machine.

2. Simple, Dry Narration

Simple, straightforward narration tasks are increasingly being handled by AI. If it’s a dry, information-heavy script, many clients are opting for AI to cut costs. We’re already seeing this on YouTube and TikTok and Instagram. Shoe-string creators who have tiny budgets for VO are going to go to AI to save money.

Is AI better than a human voice? Absolutely not. But for some things, some people, good enough is good enough.

What this means is a lot of the developmental work that newer talent used to do to cut their teeth is going away, which means it will be more important than ever moving forward to train voraciously and get really good before you start trying to find work, because the easy starter stuff is going away.

The good news us that AI will offload almost all the lowball, cheap, boring work that people have historically used platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, and Voice Realm for.

3. Audio Description and Localization

AI voices will impact audio description by turbocharging efficiency and accessibility. AI can provide faster turnaround times and making content more accessible to visually impaired audiences.

It can generate localized audio tracks super-fast, in multiple languages simultaneously and that cuts the time and expense that studios have had to put into human voice actors and at the same time builds their global reach and audience engagement.

While AI can handle the straightforward, drier stuff, nuanced interpretation and emotional context required for high-quality audio descriptions and localized content still require humans.

Again, this means voice actors must, must, must continue to refine our skills to add the depth and empathy that AI currently lacks, and making sure that the audio descriptions we provide remain engaging and effective.

Alright, now that we’ve got the lay of the land, how do you navigate this brave new world?

Here are some actionable strategies to keep your voice over business thriving.

Diversify Your Portfolio

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Explore various genres and find your niche in multiple areas. This way, you’re not left high and dry if one sector takes a hit.

Invest in Continuous Learning

Stay ahead of the curve by continuously honing your craft. Train with a reputable coach, take acting classes, learn new accents, take improv classes, and keep up with industry trends. The more versatile you are, the better chance you have to survive and thrive.

Even better, be versatile beyond voice acting. If you have adjacent skills like video editing, multitrack audio production, graphic design, social media management, etc. and you can solve more problems for your client, you make yourself more valuable.

Embrace Technology, Don’t Fear It

AI ain’t going away, so find ways to work with it. How can you use AI tools to improve your workflows, save time, super-serve your clients, or otherwise make your voice over business more efficient and cheaper and easier to run?

Focus on Building Relationships

In an increasingly automated world, personal relationships matter more than ever. Network with clients, attend industry events, and build a strong personal brand. People hire people they know and trust.

Create Your Own Content

Leverage platforms like YouTube, podcasts, and social media to create and showcase your own content. This not only builds your portfolio but also helps you connect directly with your audience and potential clients. Voice actor Jodi Krangle does an amazing job of this with her podcast, Audio Branding.

The Future - Stay Adaptable

The voice over industry is in flux more than ever, but with change comes opportunity. Stay adaptable, keep learning, and be willing to pivot when necessary. The human voice, despite advances in AI, will always be the most effective and authentic way for people to connect with each other.

So, whether you’re narrating the next bestseller, voicing an NPC in a video game, or educating students through e-learning, there’s a place for you in this business. Keep your chin up, stay creative, and let’s keep making beautiful, authentic, human noise in this business.

Go to to get my Move Touch Inspire Newsletter for Voice Actors every week, for more information on the VO Pro Community, and the VO Freedom Master Plan.

Thanks for the conversations we have on YouTube, here on the blog, in the VO Pro community and the VO community at large. The more we talk, the more we listen, the more we exchange ideas and information, the better, stronger voiceover industry we can have.

We’ll see ya again here soon. Thanks for reading

Paul SchmidtComment