The UNFIXABLE MISTAKE You Cannot Make in Voice Over

There are metric tons of bad mistakes you can make in voice over. You can have no training or be undertrained. You can have a bad recording space or bad equipment. You can do your own demos. You can have a bad website.

All of those are fixable. No training? Start training. Bad recording space, bad equipment, bad audio? Totally fixable. Call Uncle Roy, George The Tech, Jordan Reynolds, or Tim Tippets. Bad demos? Work with a reputable demo producer. Bad website, work with a pro designer.

But there’s one mistake that is not nearly as fixable. Make this mistake and it will derail your voice over career for years.

What is it?

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Paul SchmidtComment
9 Engagement KILLERS to GET OFF Your Website NOW

Stop doing this dumb shit on your voice actor websites!

Today we’re going to talk about the nine engagement killers that after you watch this video you should be tripping over yourself to get the hell off your website. They’re like people repellent and you either need to remove them or I will hunt you down with a giant butterfly net and send you off to a special padded room with no microphone.

These website blunders will KILL any chance of prospects, producers, casting directors, the people who we want to hire us from engaging with your site, listening to your demos, and putting you in the “good” pile when it comes to hiring time for their next project.

So here are 9 engagement killers to remove from your voice actor website immediately.

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Paul SchmidtComment
8 CRUCIAL Questions BEFORE You Go Full Time in Voice Over

The decision to go full time in voice over or not may be the biggest decision you make in your career, and often one not easily made. There are so many things to think about and consider. It can be super confusing, overwhelming, and deflating – if you let it.

When I had this decision to make, I didn’t ask myself all these questions and it almost put me out of business.

Today, I’m going to give you my checklist of the crucial questions you’ll want to ask and answer when you’re considering going full time in voiceover, so that it doesn’t bite you in the ass, like it did me.

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Paul SchmidtComment
Emma O'Neill: Homeless Student, Yoga Guru, Top Voice Actor

In our chat today, Emma and I talk about her journey into voiceover, from discovering the industry to joining an agency and building her business. 

She also discusses her experience of being homeless and living in different countries, which has influenced her acting. Emma emphasizes the importance of marketing services directly to clients and the limitations of pay to play platforms. 

Emma's story showcases the significance of authenticity, perseverance, and building connections in the voiceover industry.

This is our interview with Emma O'Neill.

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Paul SchmidtComment
The Beginner’s SIMPLE Guide to Voice Over Training

You’re brand new to voice over and you think you want to become a voice actor. So how do you get started?

Your first real step will be to start training, but in order to do that, you need to understand the various types of voice over training available and that’s what I’m going to guide you through today, so that you can choose the kind of training that’s right for you and your level of interest and budget.

I’ll go through the different types of training and how much they cost, including free sources of training.

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Paul SchmidtComment
4 Ways to Look Like a BEGINNER Voice Actor – DON’T DO THIS!

In the world of voiceover, if you want to look like a beginner and stand out like a sore thumb, there are a multitude of ways to do that. So in today's video, I'm going to give you four ways to look like a newbie so that you can understand them and avoid them while possible.

And make sure you hang with me until the end because I actually am going to answer the most common question I get: “So how do you get into voiceover?”

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Paul SchmidtComment
From $5 a Holler to KILLING IT with AUTHENTICITY: Troy Holden

In this conversation, we chat with voice actor, Troy Holden. We talk about Troy's background, growing up in Nashville, and the influence of transplants on the Southern accent. He talks about the wrong path he initially took and how he course-corrected with the help of mentors.

We also discuss the mindset shift needed to value one's worth and the importance of training and competence in the voiceover industry. Troy also highlights the importance of personal growth and the role of community in the voice acting industry.

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Paul SchmidtComment

There was a surprise, stealthy, mystery guest this year at VO Atlanta, and fireworks ensued! 

There I was, on stage in the main ballroom at VO Atlanta, getting ready to take my seat on The Famous Online Casting Panel. J. Michael Collins, the moderator, walks by and announces to the panel, “65 seconds!”

I turn and a man in a blue plaid sportcoat holds out his hand and says, “Hi, Paul. I’m Jay O’Connor, Voices CEO.”

And my first thought was, is this guy gonna curse me out? Stare me down? Take a swing?

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Paul SchmidtComment