How NOT To Use Linkedin To Find Voice Over Work

Welcome back and welcome to how not to use LinkedIn to find voiceover work. When it comes to LinkedIn for voiceover artists, how not to use LinkedIn is just as important. These are my best LinkedIn tips for voiceover when it comes to how to find voice acting clients. And stick around because I'll also tell you how to correctly use LinkedIn and give you another tool which will save you a massive amount of time and effort in your voiceover marketing.

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The 3 Biggest Voice Over Website Design Mistakes

Today, we're going to talk about the top three biggest voice actor website designers in the business, specifically the mistakes most voice actors make when building a voice actor website. We'll also show you some voice actor website best practices that you can use when you're either working with an experienced developer or DIY on your site so that you can avoid these common mistakes.

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Why DIY Demos Are a Bad Idea

There’s a great moral throwdown in the original Jurassic Park movie when Ian Malcolm, (Jeff Goldblum) tells the park founder, John Hammond (Richard Attenborough), “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.”

As so it is with DIY voice-over demos: Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

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The Number One Threat to Your Voice-Over Business

Most of us mistakenly tend to focus on external threats to our well-being. We endlessly worry about the things that could do harm to us, that threaten our physical, psychological, social, or financial well-being. Psychologists call this rumination.

The problem with focusing on the external is that we waste an inordinate amount of time and useless energy on things we can’t control.

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Quoting All-Media Buyouts in Voice-Over

A fellow voice actor recently reached out to me on LinkedIn:

Hey Paul!

I was wondering if you had a quick minute to help me price a VO project. I'm not great at pricing things, tbh, and I don't know what to do with the GVAA rate guide when it comes to multiple usages. I could really use your guidance!

It's a [foreign] production company that's doing a [category] campaign. They want a :90 script with multiple cut downs, a :20 script, 5 years, worldwide, all media.

I'd love your thoughts on this!

Let’s discuss the All-Media Buyout.

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Quoting Voice-Over Rates: Abundance vs. Scarcity

I’ve been pretty vocal on social media about so-called “coaches” in this business who purport that Fiverr, Upwork, Craigslist (for chrissakes), and the like are the key to a career as a professional voice actor.

My problem is not with these sites. My problem is with the scarcity mindset and the so-called “coaches” who teach it.

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