My Wishes for You This Holiday Season

Entrepreneurship and freelancing have stretched me and forced me to grow in ways I never imagined and often scared the hell out of me, both for which I am eternally grateful. I’ve learned so much about myself that in the almost 50 years before becoming a full-time voice actor I never knew.

As we turn to the new year, I have some things I wish for you. Where appropriate, I’ve listed a book that helped teach me that lesson.

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Businesses Don’t Beg

Businesses, especially businesses who sell to other businesses (B2Bs) set their own rates as the seller at whatever they deem necessary, within what the market will tolerate. They don’t go groveling to their customers every year and beg.

Many voice actors and freelancers, the overwhelming majority of whom have likely been employees at some point, carry this submissive seller mindset into setting and maintaining professional rates.

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Planning Your Next Year – Goals Are Not Enough

Setting goals is nice. The problem is, that’s where most people stop. Goal setting is merely a starting point.

Goals are nothing but directional headers. Every team, even the worst team in the league, wants to win the Championship. It’s not the goal that separates the winners from the losers. This notion that better goals produce better outcomes is hogwash.

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Talking to 60 Voice Actors in 60 Days

I’ve had the sense for the last two to three years, well before the pandemic, that there are a lot of folks struggling in this business. I feel like we do a really good job as an industry of getting people trained up on acting, technique, and performance, and we get them enough training to be able to competently record, edit, and deliver a quality audio voice track in a room that’s treated and sounds professional.

And then we send these freshly trained voice actors out into the world and wish them luck.

And they go, “Uh… ok…. What do I do now?”

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Finding Your Niche - A Venn Diagram

Not all the work you do will be in the sweet spot if you expect to have a successful business. But that’s not the point. Often the work you do will be outside your niche, especially as you expand your competency in more genres.

The point is knowing what work satisfies all three criteria for you in order to determine the work that you’ll spend most of your time, effort, and resources pursuing.

The work offered to you will somewhat differ from the work you pursue.

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Habits, The Iron Man, and the 80% Rule

The Pareto Principle says that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. Other names for this principle are the 80/20 rule and the law of the vital few. For me, prospecting is one of the vital few. In fact, I’d say in my case prospecting has more of a 90/10 effect. It’s 10% of my time that leads to 90% of my success.

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